




Become a Dropshipping Master: Uncover hidden potential with AI-powered product recommendations and trend analysis.

  • Budget Like a Pro: Optimize pricing strategies and predict profit margins for informed decision-making.

  • Effortless Product Research: Say goodbye to endless searching! Ecom Analyst identifies hot-selling products based on real-time market data.

  • Stay Ahead of the Curve: Get notified about emerging trends and optimize your store for maximum impact.

You could get these solved

Feeling lost in a sea of data

This pain point applies to situations where someone has a lot of information but struggles to find the insights or patterns they need.

Staying ahead of curve

This is a common pain point in fast-paced industries where staying ahead of trends and competitor strategies is crucial.

Wasting valuable time on repetitive tasks

Many people find themselves bogged down by manual processes that could be automated, freeing them up for more strategic work.

Making decisions based on gut feeling, not data

Relying solely on intuition can lead to costly mistakes. This pain point emphasizes the need for data-driven decision-making.

Feeling overwhelmed by constant change

The world constantly evolves, and keeping up with new technologies, regulations, or customer preferences can be exhausting.

Uncertain about where to invest resources for the best return

Allocating limited resources effectively can be a major challenge. Companies need to prioritize investments that will yield the most significant results.

Pricing and Features




Analysis of product

Analysis of store

Research Keywords and SEO

Market research

Product Recommendations




Analysis of product

Analysis of Store

Research Keywords and SEO

Market analysis

Competition analysis

Product Recommendations




Analysis of product

Analysis of store

Research Keywords and SEO

Market analysis

Competition analysis

Product Recommendations

Content for product

Product promotion

Marketing Tips

Product analysis

Analyse your E comm or your dropshipping product .

Market analysis

Browse dozens of templates. Click, duplicate, customize.

Campaign building

Install the plugin and convert your designs to a responsive site.

Competition analysis

Browse dozens of templates. Click, duplicate, customize.

Pricing stratergy

Install the plugin and convert your designs to a responsive site.

Sales script and content

Browse dozens of templates. Click, duplicate, customize.


Promote your business and products in our LLMs as they will soon be in the public and potential customers might stumble across your product or store.

Special Offer

Special Offer

Special Offer

Free 14-Day Ecom Analyst Trial (Limited Spots Available) - Experience the power of AI for yourself! Test-drive all features and see how Ecom Analyst can transform your business.

© StandardNodeAI, 2024

Note: This is just a name and not official the name will be changed during it's official launch